Nat'l Geographic Photo Contest: Help Me Pick A Winner!
If you're reading this, I need your help! |
After years of traveling, and over 20,000 photos snapped around Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and North America, surely one of them must be of National Geographic caliber, right? Think of NG's majestic cranes, the docks fading into the mist, brightly painted Saharan warriors, polar bears duelling on the sea ice, the piercing stare of the Afghan girl... or better yet, check out the contest winners from the last few years.
Obviously, I'm up against some stiff competition. Not to mention that I've never taken a photography class, don't even have great equipment, and have always considered myself more of a writer than a photographer. Nonetheless, after much agonizing I've selected 10 photos that I
consider a few of my best. Now I'm asking you to help me choose which one to enter. Keep in mind that NG photo editors will be evaluating the entries according to these factors: 34 percent for creativity, 33 percent for sense of place, and 33 percent for capturing the moment.
So, which of these photos is of true National Geographic quality? (Ok, so the answer is probably "None of them" but please humor me and vote for one or a few that you consider the best—the contest judges will crush my hopes eventually, so you won't have to :)
1. The anthill lookout (northern Uganda) (received 22 votes)