Founded in 2004
Ibn Ibn Battuta is written by Andrew G. Farrand.
From a childhood in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) to studies at Georgetown University, from initial forays to Europe, central Africa, and the Middle East to a career spanning borders of all sorts, my curiosity about foreign languages, cultures, and societies has led me far from home.
What began as a simple travel blog, a space to share what I encountered with folks back home, has endured and grown. It remains my favorite spot to share intimate reflections on the places where I'm fortunate to travel, work, and live. Updated sporadically, it remains a constant work in progress.
My Travels
My studies, work, and other travels have taken me from Syria to the Congo, Sierra Leone to Germany, and most notably to North Africa, including seven years in Algeria. That’s where I fell in love with a country and with my wife, Nina.
In Algeria I also became a well known media personality, translated the memoirs of a famed freedom fighter, hosted a reality TV show, and much more. I did my best to distill what I learned there into my book, The Algerian Dream, published in 2021.
The Name
Ibn Battuta was a great North African traveler and the inspiration for this blog. Following his example, I aim to go where my curiosity takes me and bring the stories of those places and their inhabitants to life through my writing.
In Arabic, ibn means "son of", and is traditionally used to recount one's lineage. So, "Ibn Ibn Battuta" could be translated as "the son of Ibn Battuta."
For more information about Ibn Battuta's life, see Who Was Ibn Battuta?
The Photos
Since 2013, I have taken most of the photographs on this blog with antique Rolleicord and Rolleiflex cameras.
Except where explicitly noted, all the text, images, videos, and other content on the site is my original work, all rights reserved. (In non-commercial works, attribute when quoting. To use in any commercial work, contact me first.)
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I'm always happy to hear from readers. E-mail me at ibnibnbattuta@gmail.com.
By date:
By theme and destination:
- Aleppo
- Algeria
- Algiers
- Amman
- Arts
- Austria
- Beaches
- Beirut
- Books
- Brazil
- Burundi
- Business Trips
- Cairo
- Canada
- Casablanca
- Colorado
- Constantine
- Cooking
- Culture and Its Contours
- Current Affairs
- Cycling
- Damascus
- Dar es Salaam
- Deserts
- DR Congo
- Dubai
- Egypt
- Environment
- Ethiopia
- Family Vacation
- Fes
- Festivals
- Films
- Fishing
- Food and Drink
- Foreign Languages
- France
- Frustrations Abroad
- Germany
- Guest Post
- Hama
- Hiking
- Historical Sites
- Horseback Riding
- How To
- Ibn Battuta
- Instagram Favorites
- International Incidents
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Islands
- Italy
- Jordan
- Kenya
- Lamu
- Lebanon
- London
- Malawi
- Marrakech
- Mauritania
- Milestones
- Morocco
- Mountains
- Mozambique
- Music
- Oran
- Paris
- Photography
- Politics
- Portugal
- Puerto Rico
- Rabat
- Reading on the Road
- Religion
- Road Tripping
- Rock Climbing
- Rome
- Russia
- Rwanda
- Science
- Sierra Leone
- Skiing
- Spain
- Sports
- Study Abroad
- Surfing
- Syria
- Tanzania
- Tassili
- The Swahili Coast
- Trip Planning
- Uganda
- United Kingdom
- Video
- Volunteering
- Washington DC
- Wildlife
- World Cup
- Year in Review